Collaborative Research Projects.
Collaborative Research Projects (CRPs) have been developed within and across MIDRC in order to expedite the research leading to rapid translation to the public and clinical impact. The investigators leading these projects were selected from current members of the RSNA, ACR®, and AAPM, thus, effectively spanning the nation as well as the medical imaging community. The collaborative research projects are synergistic with each other and with the technology development projects:

CRP 1: Natural language processing of radiology reports

CRP 2: Algorithmic approaches for improving health outcomes

CRP 3: Helper AI for annotation (HAIFA)

CRP 4: Deep learning of echocardiography for detection of myocarditis cardiac injury

CRP 5: Pneumonia machine learning algorithm validation and visualization

CRP 6: Safe public training dataset for machine learning algorithms

CRP 7: Leveraging registry data to conduct virtual clinical trials

CRP 8: Prediction of pneumonia outcome using radiomic feature analysis

CRP 9: Radiomics & machine intelligence for disease detection and diagnosis

CRP 10: Visualization & explainability of machine intelligence

CRP 11: Investigation of image-based biomarkers for radiogenomics