MIDRC seminar videos.

Navigating MIDRC’s data and tools

March 2025 seminar

Presentations by MIDRC investigators Maryellen Giger, PhD, Jordan Fuhrman, PhD, and Hui Li, PhD, with a live Q&A portion.

NLPs, new tools, MIDRC-LOINC mapping and the long-tail problem

February 2025 seminar

Presentations by MIDRC investigators Paul Kinahan, PhD, and Zihan Li, with a live Q&A portion.

Enabling contrastive learning for the development of medical imaging foundation models

January 2025 seminar

Presentations by MIDRC investigators Curt Langlotz, MD PhD, Tessa Cook, MD PhD, and Akshay Chaudhari, PhD, with a live Q&A portion.

MIDRC XAI Grand Challenge review: Decoding AI decisions for pneumonia on chest radiographs

December 2024 seminar

Presentations by Ian Pan, MD, Mathieu Goulet, PhD, and Yijie Yuan with an introduction by Sam Armato, PhD, and a live Q&A portion.

MIDRC BIH: Cohort selection across the biomedical imaging data fabric

November 2024 seminar

Presentation by Chris Meyer, PhD, (University of Chicago, Gen3) with a live Q&A portion.

Decoding race in medical images: A CycleGAN journey

October 2024 seminar

Presentation by Praveer Singh, PhD (University of Colorado Anschutz) with a live Q&A portion.

How can MIDRC Assist You in the Evaluation and Translation of Your AI Algorithm?

September 2024 seminar

Presentation by MIDRC investigator Kyle Myers, PhD (Puente Solutions LLC) with a live Q&A portion.

Introducing MIDRC Helper AI: A Demonstration of Enhanced Medical Imaging Analysis

June 2024 Seminar

Presentations by MIDRC Investigators Maryam Vazirabad, MS (RSNA), George Shih, MD (Weill Cornell Medical College), and Adam Flanders, MD (Thomas Jefferson University) with a live Q & A portion.

The MIDRC Representativeness Exploration and Comparison Tool (REACT): A dynamic tool for measuring and monitoring the representativeness of biomedical datasets

May 2024 Seminar

Presentations by MIDRC Investigators Heather Whitney, PhD, and Robert Tomek, MS (both from the University of Chicago) with a live Q & A portion.

Advanced Privacy Preserving Federated Learning framework – A key capability to build robust, trust-worthy AI models

April 2024 Seminar

Presentation by MIDRC Investigator Ravi Madduri (Argonne National Laboratory) with a live Q & A portion.

Integrating Longitudinal Multi-Modal Medical Data with a Deep Learning Based Framework: A Study of COVID-19 Patients

March 2024 Seminar

Presentations by MIDRC Investigators Despina Kontos, PhD, and Chunrui Zou, PhD, (both from Columbia University) with a live Q & A portion.

Building and Using AI-ready Datasets from a Massive Open Data Commons

February 2024 Seminar

Presentations by MIDRC Investigator Chris Meyer, PhD, (Gen3/University of Chicago) with a live Q & A portion.

Deep learning of echocardiography for detection of myocarditis and cardiac injury related to COVID-19 infection

January 2024 Seminar

Presentations by MIDRC Investigators Alan Kwan, MD, and David Ouyang, MD, (both from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center) with a live Q & A portion.

Investigating Variability in Imaging Performance: Study of 3D Image Quality in the MIDRC CT database

October 2023 Seminar

Presentations by MIDRC Investigators Andrew Hernandez, PhD, (UCDavis) and Ali Uneri, PhD, (Johns Hopkins) with a live Q & A portion.

A review of the MIDRC mRALE Mastermind Grand Challenge: AI to predict COVID severity using MIDRC chest radiographs

September 2023 Seminar

Presentations by MIDRC Investigators Sam Armato, PhD,(University of Chicago), Karen Drukker, PhD,, (University of Chicago), and Lubomir Hadjiyski, PhD, (University of Michigan) with a live Q & A portion.

MIDRC and the NIH Data Sharing Policy

June 2023 Seminar

Presentation by National Institutes of Health's (NIH) Data Scholar and MIDRC collaborator Brad Bower, PhD, with a live Q & A portion.

MIDRC Interoperability with BioData Catalyst and N3C for Multi-Modality Discovery

May 2023 Seminar

Presentations by MIDRC Investigators Weijie Chen, PhD, (US FDA) and Heather Whitney, PhD, (University of Chicago) with introductions by Kenneth Gersing, PhD, (NIH/NCATS) and Robert Grossman, PhD, (Gen3, University of Chicago) with a live Q & A portion.

What's new in the MIDRC Data Explorer for Cohort Building?

April 2023 Seminar

Presentations by MIDRC Investigator Chris Meyer, PhD, (Gen3) with a live Q & A portion.

The MIDRC Bias and Diversity Working Group: data, tools, and resources, for promoting health equity in medical imaging AI

March 2023 Seminar

Presentations by MIDRC Investigators Rui Carlos Sá, PhD, (University of California, San Diego) and Heather Whitney, PhD, (University of Chicago) with a live Q & A portion.

Curating the MIDRC collection of DICOM images for use in AI research

February 2023 Seminar

Presentation by MIDRC Investigator Paul Kinahan, PhD, (University of Washington) with a live Q & A portion.

Natural Language Processing of Clinical Text for COVID-19 Identification

January 2023 Seminar

Presentations by MIDRC Investigators Tessa Cook, MD PhD, (University of Pennsylvania) and MIDRC PI Curtis Langlotz, MD PhD, (Stanford University), with additional material provided by Pierre Chambon (Stanford University) with a live Q & A portion.

Grand Challenge: MIDRC: Addressing Challenges of Grand Challenges

November 2022 Seminar

Presentations by MIDRC Investigators Karen Drukker, PhD, (University of Chicago) and Lubomir Hadjiyski, PhD, (University of Michigan) with a live Q & A portion.

Prediction of COVID-19 outcome using radiomics and deep learning

October 2022 Seminar

Presentations by MIDRC Investigators Despina Kontos, PhD, (Columbia University), Chunrui Zou, PhD, (Columbis University), Prateek Prasanna, PhD, (Stony Brook Univesity), and Joel Saltz, MD, (Stony Brook University) with a live Q & A portion.

Adding Polish to Your Data - Image Annotations

September 2022 Seminar

Presentations by MIDRC Investigator and MIDRC-PI Adam Flanders, MD, (Thomas Jefferson) and MIDRC Investigator George Shih, MD, (Cornell University) with a live Q & A portion.

Predictive Values of Quantitative CT lung (QCT) COVID scores in Rapid Progression and Associations with Other COVID-related Clinical and Laboratory Markers

June 2022 Seminar

Presentation by MIDRC Investigator Grace Hyun Kim, PhD, (University of California, Los Angeles) with a live Q & A portion.

Creating Better Datasets through Population Biomarkers

May 2022 Seminar

Presentation by MIDRC Investigator Ayis Pyrros, MD, (University of California, Los Angeles) with a live Q & A portion.

Role of MIDRC sequestration and task-based distribution sampling in the independent evaluation of AI in Medical Imaging

April 2022 Seminar

Presentation by MIDRC Investigator Natalie Baughan (University of Chicago) with a live Q & A portion.

Training and explainability of machine learning methods from multi-institutional data

March 2022 Seminar

Presentation by MIDRC Investigator Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, PhD, (Harvard University) and Akshay Chaudhari, PhD, (Stanford University) with a live Q & A portion.

Leveraging registry data to conduct virtual clinical trials

February 2022 Seminar

Presentation by MIDRC Investigator Sharyn Katz, PhD, (University of Pennsylvania) with a live Q & A portion.

Reading Race: AI Recognizes Patient’s Racial Identity In Medical Images

January 2022 Seminar

Presentation by MIDRC Investigator Judy Gichoya, PhD, (Emory University) with a live Q & A portion.

Task-specific performance evaluation metrics for machine learning algorithms employing MIDRC data

November 2021 Seminar

Presentation by MIDRC Investigator Berkman Sahiner, PhD, (FDA) with a live Q & A portion.

Towards algorithms for measuring and mitigating unfairness in AI

October 2021 Seminar

Presentation by MIDRC Investigator Sanmi Koyejo, PhD, (University of Illinois) with a live Q & A portion.

Deep Learning for COVID-19 Diagnosis and Prognosis on Chest Radiography and Cascaded deep transfer learning on thoracic CT for COVID-19 patients treated with steroids

September 2021 Seminar

Presentation by MIDRC Investigators Qiyuan (Isabelle) Hu and Jordan Fuhrman (University of Illinois) with a live Q & A portion.