Technology Development Project 4

Principal investigators: Curtis Langlotz, Michael Tilkin, Maryellen Giger, and Paul Kinahan

Collaborative development of common user access portal, technology infrastructure and data management processes across MIDRC organizations and technology stacks.

Updated January 20, 2023

Access by researchers to MIDRC is enabled through a MIDRC Data Commons Portal.  Data intake and distribution leverages existing technology, networks, and infrastructure that span the members of the consortium, as well as investigators throughout the nation.   

Data ingestion from RSNA and accessible through the MIDRC Portal.

George Shih, MD (Cornell University)

The RSNA enables rapid batch ingestion of large volumes of medical imaging and associated data according to the common data model and processes developed under MIDRC.  RSNA has been collaborating in this effort with the ACR and other data intake organizations, which are working together on harmonized methods to process and validate data ingested by MIDRC.  This cloud-native infrastructure is being integrated with the image labeling platform amongst others.

Development of common data intake, processing, quality control, and distribution processes across intake organizations.

Paul Kinahan (University of Washington), Michael Tilkin (ACR), and Curtis Langlotz (Stanford)

Data intake leverages existing technology, networks, and infrastructure that span the members of the consortium. The common data intake process leverages real-time contributions from healthcare organizations, batched contributions from healthcare organizations, and batched patient data contributions, as well as in kind efforts by industrial partners, as available. 

Ingestion from ACR TRIAD and accessible through the MIDRC Portal.

Michael Tilkin (ACR) and Laura Coombs (ACR)

The ACR has leveraged and extended the TRIAD network and DART data toolkit to support the goals of the open MIDRC discovery platform.  ACR TRIAD is an image exchange platform that is the standard for the NCI National Clinical Trial Network.  The DART data platform provides an archive for both clinical and image data, a user access portal for search and analysis, image processing pipelines for machine learning and advanced analytics, and the ability to download research data sets. 

Creation of a MIDRC Data Commons Portal based on a common data model and user experience.

Robert Grossman (University of Chicago), Curtis Langlotz (Stanford), Michael Tilkin (ACR), and Maryellen Giger (University of Chicago)

The ongoing aims of this project are to provide a seamless data exploration and analysis experience for MIDRC users, and to provide common authentication and object identification services with other NIH data commons. An instance of the Gen3 Data Platform has been deployed, which is an open source (with an Apache License) software for developing and operating cloud-based data commons.  The Gen3 platform also provides workspaces, and an ecosystem of cloud-based applications and notebooks to create data ecosystems. MIDRC employs the Gen3 Data Commons, which uses a graph data model to store clinical, phenotype and other structured information. 

Currently, these TDP4 sub-projects are tasked to

  • Extend existing data dictionary and data collection models to address oncology, Long-COVID, and additional imaging modalities typically associated with cardiac and neurological system involvement

  • Extend harmonization of deidentification methods to address new imaging modalities associated with cardiovascular and neurological systems

  • Implement across data intake pathways the harmonized approach recommended under TDP 2a for de-identification of head images.

  • Adapt ACR and RSNA data curation pipeline to incorporate LOINC mapping as defined by DQH to generate and submit common study descriptions.

  • Leverage RSNA’s & ACR’s imaging expertise to contribute to annotations workgroup

  • Continue to evolve the data model to reflect relevant population data, including appropriate clinical data for identification of patient cohorts and incorporation of neurology and ultrasound images.

  • Continue to improve the automation and QC process for data ingestion, including supporting data packages, the data ingestion required for the DICOM viewer, and related needs.

  • Continue to evolve the functionality of the MIDRC data portal

  • Continue to evolve the functionality of the DICOM viewer

  • Integrate and/or develop a MIDRC annotation system

  • Improve the automation around data sequestration and support for challenges

  • Support execution through standard interfaces of submitted containerized pipelines for data analysis and machine learning to support both remote and federated machine learning and data analysis

  • Continue to update and evolve the data ingestion pipelines and processes as required, to support relevant disease types and other MIDRC requirements.

  • Extend contributing site relationships to include oncology imaging studies and clinical data and usage of data for new research project objectives.  Continue to update and evolve the data ingestion pipelines and processes as required.


TDP 3: Develop and implement quality assurance and evaluation procedures


TDP 5: Link the MIDRC to other clinical and research data registries