Grand Challenges Working Group.

Last updated January 19, 2024

Performs oversight of all MIDRC Grand Challenge processes, protocols, and guidelines and maintains the MIDRC Portfolio of Grand Challenges.

Previous challenges:

mRALE Mastermind (2023)

AI to Predict COVID severity on chest radiographs

COVIDx (2022)

COVID-19 Classification Challenge on Portable Chest Radiographs


Sam Armato, PhD, (lead), University of Chicago, Robyn Ball, PhD, Jackson Laboratories, Brad Bower, PhD, NIH, Gillian Campbell, University of Chicago, Karen Drukker, PhD, University of Chicago, Adam Flanders, MD,, Thomas Jefferson University, Maryellen Giger, PhD, University of Chicago, Lubomir Hadjiiski, PhD University of Michigan, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, PhD, University of Colorado, Tim Stearns, Jackson Laboratories, Carol C. Wu, MD, MD Anderson


AI Reliability Working Group